Monday, 25 November 2019

PDF files for Homework

Ninth Class - Sections and view of the house from North :
Tenth Class - Detailed room ( kitchen) with views of section and the blueprint :

Friday, 22 November 2019

Tenth Class - 18/11/2019

Starting to add minor details in a room in the house using 1:20 scale. Choosing and adding details then representing two sections of the room that has being detailed .

Handing in Homework on Friday.


Friday, 15 November 2019

Ninth Class 11/11/2019

Creating a shortcut code for various control in notepad and adding it to the AutoCAD as a lsp file.
Starting to view lines and work them o 3D.

Homework for Friday .

Monday, 11 November 2019

Eight Class - 04/11/2019

Continuation of the last class. Starting on the sections and views.
Changing the paper size to fit the homework layouts, printer properties adjusted to the work outcome and representing sections and views with different thickness of lines by giving coded color its command in the printer properties sections.
Homework - Section and a view from the house plant.

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Seventh Class - 28/10/2019

Moving to layout1 in AutoCAD and representing the section in different cales, specifically escale 1/20 and 1/100.
Starting on the next work with the house project, sections and views of the current house plant.